Oral History Reflections on Gambling: From Historical Canadian Card Games to Modern Online Casinos

Canadian flag, casino history book, casino roulette

Oral history is a powerful tool to capture the evolving cultural and social landscapes of practices like gambling in Canada. The gambling landscape has undergone a significant transformation from the era of traditional card games to the contemporary online casino scene. Through the lens of oral histories, we will explore these changes, offering a comparative reflection on the evolution of gambling practices over time.

Ten things you should know about indigenous oral traditions

Ten things you should know about indigenous oral traditions

Oral traditions markedly retain Indigenous history by passing traditional, cultural, and social information from generation to generation. For indigenous communities and societies living in Canada, the creation of stories, affiliation to the native land, language, historical accounts, teachings, cultural stories, and ecological knowledge have been preserved by means of oral traditions and customs for centuries.

Interesting facts about national oral history

Interesting facts about Canadian oral history

Preserving the history is very important as it leads to events compilation which is then studied to draw conclusions. In Canada, this subject has gained widespread popularity and therefore it is highly in demand. There are many issues which are solved by using oral history lessons or recording of the past.

Oral history events worth visiting

Oral Canadian history events worth visiting

Oral history has gained widespread popularity over the passage of time. When it comes to Canada this form of history is regarded as one of the most authentic sources to collect the past events. The info provided by such historians is highly authentic and therefore it is used to get a complete picture of the past.

Well-known oral history associations in Canada

Well-known oral history associations in Canada

Understanding and interpreting the past is one of the fascinating things which are highly in demand. The oral history is very much in these days and words transmitted from the mouth are very much captivating. These recorded events are then stored and presented to the listeners. As the oral history is the word of mouth it means that the speaker is sharing the personal encounters with history.